
Pont du Gard

25 January 2016

Pont du Gard is an ancient roman acqueduct opened in 60AD and located in the South of France.

We were staying in Avignon and made it an important place to visit but at the end of the day to catch the setting sun.

My last visit to this site was on a Contiki tour over 30 years ago.

The river itself was beautiful and it was one of the few places in Europe that I could be by myself and only with camera and tripod for company.

Sally stayed on the bridge.

Pont du Gard

1.    27 September 2015    Nikon D3s    iso200    135mm    f11    1/180sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4.0

Pont du Gard

2    Nikon D3s    iso 200    75mm    f5.6

Pont du Gard

3.    nikon D3s    iso 200    35mm    f4.8    1/125sec    Nikon 35mm f1.8

Pont du Gard

4.    Nikon D3s    iso 200    35mm    f4.0    1/180sec

Pont du Gard

5.    Nikon D750    iso 200    70mm    f5.6    1/125sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4.0

3 replies on “Pont du Gard”

Thanks Richard. Brings back memories of Europe?
At present I am in Bangkok ,banging away with my 1 inch….
sensor camera. Bought a Canon GX5 and for a one inch sensor point and shoot it performs really well. Handles better than my old Oly OMD. Maybe I should do a review on my website like CY does. That will be a first. Got a few keepers already but won’t know for sure until I process them in lightroom and view them on a big monitor. Keep an eye on this website…

That sounds like a good one. I am hanging out for Nikon to release the DL 24-85 or the DL 24-500 in June sometime. Hopefully before we go away!
If not I might have to look at other options.
We must talk when you are back home.

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