
Myanmar Part 2

18 September 2018

Myanmar Part

1.    26 April 2018    Inle lake    Nikon D750    iso 500    122mm    f6.3    1/500sec    Nikon 70-200mmf4

Myanmar Part

2. 17 April 2018    Bagan    Nikon D3s    iso800    70mm    f2.8    1/350sec    Nikon 24-70mmf2.8

Myanmar Part

3. 19 April 2018    Ayeyarwady River    Nikon D750    iso200    200mm    f6.3    Nikon 70-200mmf4

Myanmar Part

4. 19 April 2018    Bagan    Nikon D750    iso200    300mm    f5.6    1/125sec    Nikon 300f4 PF

Myanmar Part

5. 25 April 2018    Inle lake    Nikon D750    iso200    300mm   f11    1/200sec    Nikon 300mmf4

Myanmar Part

6. 26 April 2018    Inle lake    Nikon D750    iso 200    175mm    f5.6    1/1000sec    Nikon 70-200mmf4

Myanmar Part

7. 27 April 2018    Inle Lake    Nikon D750    iso 250    300mm    f8    1/1000sec    Nikon 300mm f4

4 replies on “Myanmar Part 2”

Chris, I am very impressed with your whole website especially your blog. You have enough to do a book I feel. Many stunning photos and your writings about them are always good and sometimes very amusing. I hope you publish something one day. Keep it up!

Thanks Richard I really appreciate your feedback. Writing is always hard for me, worse than pulling teeth!. Not bad for someone who regards English as his second language……

A brilliant and thoughtful series of images depicting live of the villages in myanmar.The 1st.image makes me think the kids saw the film Titanic,2nd image has a very nice serene feel about it until you see spider-man photo-bombing in the window or was that clever timing?No.3 image is delightful with the sun reflection leading to the boys head or the other way round and the picture ballanced with the boat on the left,the next two like how the silhouetted birds fill the space in the image,you have caught the fisherman wonderfully as he brings in his net his expression showing one of anticipation,last one the timeline of movement from the the last boat then you compress the scene with this crop just brilliant.And now the truth”bugger ran out of room.

Thanks Brent for spending the time with your comments. That spiderman in the window was fooling around trying to grip the sides. He wasn’t photobombing. I took 3 shorts. It was fortuitous timing.
That wasn’t a boy in the water with the reflection. It was a girl and she was dressed when she came out of the water. Burmese are very modest people.
Love your prose Brent. Maybe you should become a photo critic.

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