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Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition

27 November 2018

details on the Blog

Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition

1.    10 November2018    Panasonic G9    iso200    31mm    f8    1/160sec    Leica DG 12-60 f2.8

Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition

2.    iso 200    15mm    f8.0    1/160sec

Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition

3.    iso200    13mm    f16    1/30sec

Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition

4.    iso 200    144mm    f3.8    1/640sec    Leica DG 50-200mm f2.8

Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition

5.    iso 640    162mm    f5.6    1/1000sec

6 replies on “Wildflower Sculpture Exhibition”

Very ‘Impressionistic’ Chris. I particularly like the first shot of the wildflowers. Wondering was there a natural mist or some blurring effect on the houses and trees. Bumblebee shots are spectacular. Both are superb images of the flowers. First one is very much about bee and flower; 2nd is much more about the flowers.

It was raining in the first shot but in lightroom I used the graduated filter to “Dehaze” the top. ie it made it look more hazy.If this was documentary photography I would be fired as I manipulated the scene.

So glad to see you changed your mind and took photos of flowers, much appreciated Chris. They are just gorgeous! Happy Lunar New Year to you, Sally and family.

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