
Street Photography

06 January 2024

I have been recently been spending more time trying to improve my street photography. Check out my previous video on a couple of books that have helped me a lot . That video was partly shot in the book store below.

Here are some examples of recent attempts at the craft of Street Photography starting with my favourites and descending to the ones that couldn’t quite make it (gallery two). I included lots of images for Holiday viewing knowing you are getting bored with the summaries of what happened in 2023 or whats going to happen in 2024.

09.03.23-Macau-iso900-70mm-f4.5-1/250sec-Nikon 70-200f4

Gallery One

Gallery Two

Hong Kong Food

Hong Kong has such a variety of food and one block in Mongkok can exhibit many iterations of past, present and future?

The picture above looks like a coffee place but it is selling tea of many different brews and varieties. I’m not knowledgeable enough to appreciate it, but the locals love it.

The picture below deserves explanation. If a picture needs explanation then it has already failed from a street photography point of view. But I took this picture for fun as the building houses food or animals representing different species. We all know McDonalds, there’s fish, goose, beetle and unbeknownst to me, until translated by my wife, are a whole variety of different cats written in different coloured neon (the top left). This is a pet shop not a restaurant. Couldn’t see any reptiles though…..Maybe next year there might be a restaurant serving snake.

8 replies on “Street Photography”

I always enjoy the bustling pace of HK and miss going there, many friends have since departed. Plus, it’s a different vibe after the relative serenity of Japan. These images capture that colour and craziness that keeps Hong Kong’s pace and character to the fore.

Hi Deb, the best thing about HK is the great public transport making it easy and safe to get around. And different parts of the city have their own character. I particularly like Mong Kok.

I like your photos where you have picked up on pattern, form or colour. Eg the pink girl and bag, the yellow chairs from above, the table cloths and buildings. I like Elliot too, but also Saul Leiter and Tetarenko

Interesting Chris, I think some of your Gallery Two ones are some of the best! I love seeing what you have captured on your holidays. Superb craftsman with your camera. Well done.

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