
Nelson Lakes. Lake Rotorua

20 November 2016

On my visit to Blenheim, I managed to vsit Mapua on the Friday, and Nelson Lakes on Sunday.

I slept in the rental car for an hour waiting for the weather to clear and the sun to set.

Nelson Lakes. Lake Rotorua

2 October 2016    Lake Rotorua    Nikon D800    iso 200    105mm    f8.0    1/250sec    Nikon 70-200mm  f4

4 replies on “Nelson Lakes. Lake Rotorua”

What a serenicity photo Christopher. I’m attracted by the peacefilness. Thank you for sharing! I wondered how many sand flys bite you had suffered for getting the wonderful shot???

nice location,love the strange aura in the background(u.f.o.)?and the warm
light caressing the green bush clad promontory.I feel distracted by the 2 ducks and their reflections,perhaps cropping close to the landmass leaving the ducks in or removing them entirely.

Thanks Brent for your feedback.The strange aura was the disappearing rainbow, see images in the blog. As far as the ducks go I did shoot one to get it out of the picture hence there are only 2 ducks.

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