Blog 2018

Laos Street Scenes

Laos Street Scenes

1.    11 January 2017    Luang Prabang   

Nikon D750    iso 5000    92mm    f5.6    1/180sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4

Laos Street Scenes

2.    11 January 2017    Luang Prabang

Nikon D750    iso 200    35mm    f4.0    1/125sec    Nikon 35mm f1.8

Laos Street Scenes

3.    11 January 2017    Luang Prabang Night Market    Tribute to Monty Python

Nikon D3s    iso 6400    200mm    f4.0    1/125sec

Laos Street Scenes

4.    9 January 2017    Vientiane Night market

Nikon D3s    iso 6400    95mm    f5.6    1/125sec    Nikon 70-200mmf4

Laos Street Scenes

5.    11 January 2017    Luang Prabang Night Market    Little girl helping mum with the drink orders

Nikon D3s    iso 6400    35mm    f2.0    1/125sec    Nikon 35mm f1.8

Laos Street Scenes

6.   11 Jan 2017    Kuang Si Waterfall Market Place  Luang Prabang

Nikon D750    iso 450    20mm    f4    1/125sec

Laos Street Scenes

7.    10 Jan 2017    rush hour Vientiane.

Nikon D3s    iso 200    200mm    f8    1/180sec  

Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes
Laos Street Scenes

2 replies on “Laos Street Scenes”

Fantastic photos as usual Chris. I particularly love the ones of the lone fisherman and the 2 little girls playing on the iPad. The fishing method looks interesting. Is she surrounded by a net?
I like your sense of humour which always comes through in your writing. Thanks for posting them.
How nice to see all the family at the end.

Thanks Eve for your feedback which is always welcomed.
No the fisherman has the net in front of him.
He or she? I thought it was a guy when I was doing the photography, but looking at the photos it could be a she?

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