Blog 2018

Lake Coleridge

14 September 2015

Well my birthday came around again. As predictable as the Sun revolves around the Earth, another 365 days then Whamo! Another year older, a few more holes drilled, a few thousand more shutter actuations achieved and just a few more “keepers” for the photographic website.

This year my Geraldine Guide, Wayne Keenan, recommended I visit the above poets lake and do some photography there as he knew I prefer the wild sparse landscapes to the pretty scenery (wife and sister in law excluded!).

So on Dr Googles advice I discovered  Lake Coleridge Lodge“. They provide comfortable accomodaton, hot meals and warm friendly  service. Toni and Dean are excellent Hosts and if anyone wants to spend a relaxing few days in the middle of great South Island scenery I can unreservedly recommend this place.

So for my significant birthday I arranged a “threesome” comprising of my wife Sally and her sister Winnie. The third part  was Mrs Hyundai i35 which we hired from Go rentals. It performed well managing the snow and gravel with great stability. In fact my favourite words on the trip were “Thank God I got a rental!” This was in response to the amount of mud and dirt worn by the car. The girls performed admirably as well……. that is being extremely patient and letting me stop anywhere to take lots of photos. They were great company as well.

The Lake itself is hard to see. There are only 3 or 4 access roads to the lake as it is surrounded by hills. None of the photos here are of the lake but on the other side of the hills. But once you see the lake it is amazing as it is so undeveloped. Not one holiday home or batch to ruin the sense of isolation. Sorry you will have to see the lake yourself as there are no photos of the lake on this website. I took a few but the images were too postcardy for me.

Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge


Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge
Lake Coleridge

3 replies on “Lake Coleridge”

Hi Chris – just seen your blog with more gorgeous photos! I assume they’re all of the Lake Coleridge area? I’m currently on the search for river photos from our area and see you’ve posted two stunning shots here. I’m wanting to put river photos in our rooms (all named after the local rivers). Do you remember which rivers photo 3 & 6 are of? Is 3 the Harper River?

Hullo Chris
These are most impressive images of the winter scenery in the Lake Coleridge district. You have certainly captured the bleak conditions with the sheep. My father and I used to trout fish here in the summer months.

Thanks Garth. I glad I refreshed your memories of time with your father at Lake Coleridge. I love the wild emptiness and I’m sure it was pretty empty in your day!

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