

18 June 2014

Armageddon Westpac Stadium, Wellington.

“Cosplay” is short for costumeplay. Some people get their “kicks” by holding big cameras and pretending to be professional photographers.

While others dress up as their favourite anime, manga, comic book, video game or movie character.  Armageddon is a great place to go to photograph an alternative culture. This is where fantasy meets reality. I think Wonder Woman was there………

I photographed babes in fur, babes in uniform, babes in short skirts, but Captain America saved the day.


31 May 2014   Nikon D3s   iso 1100   24mm   f2.8   1/180sec   Nikon 14-24mm f2.8

6 replies on “Cosplay”

Hi Chris, hope that you saw Cat woman there too, she is my youngest son’s partner. She appeared in other different costumes too. Anyway, great shot!

I will check my files for Cat Women (but if its your sons girlfriend, its probably Cat Girl). And I better keep my beady eyes off her!

Thanks Jon, if it were a set up I would have Captain America
posing with one knee on the ground, head down and shield facing the camera. And it probably would look silly as I am no good at setting up shots!

Yes, that is Tah-lee, Cat woman. She appeared on the front page of our Dominion Post after the event. Hahaha, you are so wicked Chris!!!

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