Boggy Pond

Colour and texture

Colour and texture

1.  3 May2015   D800    iso200    70mm    f8    1/200sec   70-200 f4

Colour and texture

2.    23 May 2015    D800    iso200    185mm    f8.0    1/60sec

Colour and texture

3.    23 May 2015    iso 200    24mm    f6.3    1/125sec    14-24mm f2.8

Colour and texture

4.    31 May 2015   D800   iso 200    36mm    f8.0    1/250sec    24-70mm f2.8

Colour and texture

5.    31 May 2015    D3s    iso200    160mm    f5.6    1/350sec

Colour and texture

6.    3 May 2015    D800    iso200    98mm    f5.6    1/400sec

Colour and texture

7.    31 May 2015    D800    iso 200    140mm    f4.5    1/500sec  

4 replies on “Colour and texture”

Image 73 of 90 (four swans in flight against a moody sky and misty mountains). This is the one I want to buy, please.

Thanks Elli, this is one of my favourites. Its like a cartoon (frame by frame) how the wing flapping appear in synchronisation. And the background transcends the image from just flapping wings to more of a landscape. Pure luck that I got this shot-I just fired 2 shots at these swans taking off and saw what I got on the monitor at a much later date!

No se mucho de fotografia, pero se apreciar lo bueno, y es un placer admirar esta maravilla.

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