Home 2020

Central Otago

30 Jan 2021

Central Otago

1. 1 August 2020  Lake Wanaka   Nikon D800   iso 200   38mm   f7.1    1/250 sec  Nikon 24-70mmf2.8

Central Otago

2.   Lake Wanaka 40 min later… iso 200  24mm  f10    1/320

Central Otago

3. 3 August 2020    Nikon d800    iso 200    24mm    f11    1/200sec    Nikon 24-70mm f2.8

Can’t remember  what highway I took this. Normally i don’t like gimicky stuff like selective colorization. Its become a bit of a Cliche’ . Everyone has seen that red rose against a B&W image. But this picture was just asking for it…….

Central Otago

4.    6  August 2020    Danseys pass    Nikon d800    iso200    200mm    f6.3    1/200sec    Nikon 70-200mmf4

Central Otago

5.    6 August 2020    Danseys Pass    Panasonic G9    iso400    100mm    f20    1/100sec    Leica 50-200mmf2.8-4

Central Otago

6.    3 August    Nikon D800    iso200    70mm    f16    1/100sec    70-200mmf4

Central Otago

7.    8 August    Lake Ohau    Nikon D800    iso200    200mm    f16    1/125sec    Nikon 70-200mmf4

One reply on “Central Otago”

The sheep are great. Not something you see very often theses days. Captured well Chris. The D800 shot is really nice.

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