
Gallery Visit

21 August 2023

On the 24th June, I had an assignment to photograph my wifes singing group at the Pataka gallery in Porirua. The group is called the Take Note singers.

At the same time there was an exhibition on new immigrants in the region. The exhibition was called ” Here and Beyond”.

It featured photographs from an Iranian photographer called EHSAN HAZAVEH . I was so impressed with the quality of the images and his ability to capture the natural emotions of his subjects. This is also something I try to capture with my travel photography. I checked out his website. I must say I have not been so excited about a NZ based photographer for a long time. Check it out.

Down the road at the Te Rauparaha arena they were having a New Immigrants day and that also means lots of interesting food. So Sally, I, and camera ventured down in search of filling our tummys.

We spotted this lovely family from Tigray Northern Ethiopia. After taking a couple of family photos I asked one of the ladies to pose for me.

This is her



Guest Page


21 August 2023

Manny Delhaize describes himself as a “Canberra nerd amateur try hard Astro guy”

Here are some of his toys.

And here are some images he sent me.

All I can say is “WOW”

Celestron 11 inch      Horsehead Nebula.
Meade 8 inch      Lagoon Nebula
Celestron 14inch      Sombrero Galaxy



New Website

Actually its the same website but with a different appearance and layout. The old website engine was getting old and no longer being serviced, so we had to transfer my existing website into a different engine. This is a word press based layout, so the functionality of my website has changed and it has become a whole new learning curve for me. I suppose that’s one way of slowing down dementia….. I apologize that my old material is a bit higgledy piggledy on the new website but hopefully over time it will get tidied up or suffocated by all the new material I will show you over time.

