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Ed Zuccollo

Ed Zuccollo

I saw Eds photos on his website. I was impressed with his images considering he is recently into photography.

I always admire the view when driving along the Rimultakas but never get out. Thats the difference between old and jaded , as opposed to young and enthusiatic (and wet-I saw rainspots on his lens!).

Naturally I couldn’t keep my itchy fingers off his file to do a bit of post processing. Ed called this “Rimutaka Rain (colour wash)”. I’m afraid I took all his colour out! He hasn’t seen this yet. Will await his comments…………



Wedding Meiji Shrine Tokyo

13 July 2014

The Meiji shrine is where Shinto wedding ceremonies are held. The respect for tradition provides a visual feast to any visitor to Japan .

Temples, Priests, gardens, cherry blossoms, saki, kimonos, it all here in one place.

Wedding Meiji Shrine Tokyo

30 March 2013    Nikon D3s   iso 800   200mm f4.0   1/125sec   Nikon 70-200mm f4


Blog 2018

Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part 1

1 July 2014

I love to photograph weddings, especially of different cultures.

The whole theatrical experience is so interesting. All that preparation, expense, for that one day when two separate families come together to celebrate the marriage of their child. The emotion of the occassion is palpable and waiting to be bottled as a timeless image. Personally its great to be a photographer bystander rather than “the wedding photographer”-far less pressure. This allows room to be more creative or  nonchalant. From an anthropological view weddings are facinating and I like to record the event even if they are perfect strangers. I referring to me and the couple. not the couple themselves although it does happen….. Every wedding is different in theme and dress. But everyone  looks beautiful on the day.

Photographing strangers weddings also gives me practice honing my skills to capture a beautiful moment. This is particularly important when I do have a future wedding  to photograph as the sole photographer. Getting that Eye- Hand  coordination in sync is  important as I am only an Occassional (wedding) photographer.

The first three photographs are a continuation of Gulangyu island. The third one was taken in Hong Kong at the 1841 heritage site. This is a popular venue especially in the weekend for the Hong Kong wedding scene. Its a bit like a watering hole in the jungle. Hunter and prey converge…..

Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part

1.   23 Dec 2009   Nikon D3   iso 400   70mm   f6.7   1/60sec   Nikon 24-70mm f2.8

Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part

2.    23 Dec 2009   Nikon D3   iso 400   180mm   f5.6    1/500sec   Nikon 180mm f2.8

Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part

3.   23 Dec 2009   Nikon D3   iso400   180mm   f8   1/500sec   Nikon 180mm f 2.8

Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part

4.   23 March 2013   Nikon D3s   iso200   24mm   f6.7   1/250sec   Nikon 14-24mm f2.8

Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part
Confessions of a Wedding Party Stalker Part

