
Lake Coleridge

13 September 2015


Lake Coleridge

1.    9 August 2015    Nikon D800    iso 200    70mm    f11    1/250sec    Nikon 24-70mm f2.8

Lake Coleridge

2.    8 August 2015    Nikon D800    iso200    40mm    f6.3    1/30sec    Nikon 24-70mm f2.8

Lake Coleridge

3.    8 August 2015    Nikon D800    iso200    32mm    f4.8    1/180sec    Nikon 24-70mm f2.8


Blog 2018

House Construction

2 August 2015

I finished lunch early and wandered around outside. I noticed down the road a house being built so off I went.

My only regret afterward was that maybe I should have used my Nikon D750 with 24mp rather than the D3s which only has 12mp. Then I could have had more detail when  cropped . However the D3s and the telephoto lens is very well balanced and great to hold steady especially when shooting fast in the excitement of the scene. Do I sacrifice the increased chance of camera shake for more pixels?

The subjects were heavily back lit with the sky in the background. This is where fill in flash or reflectors are useful. Obviously impractical in this situation so I had to expose for the shadows. The Nikon 70-200mm f4  is a very sharp lens but more importantly great flare control with the lens coating. This is what separates the “Men from the Boys” when it comes to deciding whether to buy a budget lens or professional level- sharp wide open and resistant to lens flare. VR helps a lot too.

House Construction

1.    17 Jan 2015    Nikon D3s    iso400    24mm    f4.8    1/125sec    Nikon 24-70mm f2.8

House Construction

2.    iso400    48mm    f4.8    1/125sec

House Construction

3.  iso 400    200mm    f4.8    1/180sec    Nikon 70-200 f4

House Construction

4.    iso 400    200mm    f4.8    1/180sec

House Construction

5. iso 400    200mm    f4.8    1/125sec  

House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction
House Construction


Blog 2018

For your interest…..

6.  Before

7.  After

