I met Brent when he sought dental treatment from me. We are still friends….
Anyway Brent is a very good photographer and he has a great eye. I always look forward to seeing his photographs.
Brent sent me an image of a swan and asked me my opinions on some filters he used post processing.
Personally I am not that keen on “art ” filters and prefer photorealism. I asked Brent to send me the raw file and I will have a go with his shot.
Brent has a Pentax K3 and for an APS-C camera the sensor is very good. Its amazing how much information I could retrieve from his file. Substantially more colour information when compared to my Olympus OMD sensor which is 4/3rds size but considered comparable to the larger APS-C file. Thats what the internet reviews say!
So here is my interpretation of his capture. I used Lightroom and Viveza (Nik Software). I think Brent hates it…
The Original
7 March 2014
Pentax K3 iso 100 250mm f8.0 1/800sec Pentax 60-250 f4