Blog 2018

Palau Dalmases Barcelona

6 December 2015

We discovered this venue on the same street as the Picasso Museum.

We booked the early evening show. Even though the audience was sparse the dancers and musicians performed with great emotion and energy. They were very friendly and professional. One advantage to me as a photographer was that I could freely walk around the room changing my angles and not get in peoples way. The dancing was very fast moving and I had to work quickly.

The lighting was very difficult to work with as well. It was a very dark room and one single stationary spot light. The dancers moved across the stage from darkness to bright light then back to dankness. I used spot metering  (to avoid overblown hightlights) and had the camera shooting at 9 fps.

I kept my iso fixed at 6400. I could have gone higher but I would lose precious dynamic range and colour information. Many of my shots were at least 2 stops under exposed but I managed to recover alot of detail and colour thanks to the D3s large sensor recepticals. There was a bit of noise though (mainly because of the under exposure) but this was reduced using Nik software (D fine).

Because I was impressed with the emotional intensity of the performance I also made a series of Black &White studies to illustrate this .

And, how many times have you seen real Flamenco dancing in B&W , let alone in colour?

Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona


Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona
Palau Dalmases Barcelona



Flamenco Dancers Barcelona

6 December 2015

Flamenco Dancers Barcelona

1.   22 September 2015    Nikon D3s    iso6400    98mm    f4.8    1/180sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4.0

Flamenco Dancers Barcelona

2.    Nikon D3s    iso 6400    95mm    f4.8    1/180sec    Nikon 70-200 f4

Flamenco Dancers Barcelona

3. iso 6400    86mm    f4.8    1/180sec

Flamenco Dancers Barcelona

4.    iso 6400    86mm    f4.8    1/180sec

Flamenco Dancers Barcelona

5.    iso 6400    140mm    f4.8    1/180sec



Hi Honey I’m Home…….

15 November 2015

A Yaah !  (Chinese exclamation sound similiar to Gee Whiz, OMG, J….C…..) its been over two months since my last posting.

Sorry to all those who have been waiting with bated breath and cliking onto to Clikbing every night (you are also welcome to clik on during the day…) in anticipation to what glorious images would appear before thee but there is a reason for this.

I have been travelling in Europe for the last month with my beautiful wife Sally in celebration of a significant birthday. No I’m not 21 but I can understand why you might be mistaken. Actually my plan was to spend 7 nights in Bangkok but that’s a different story.

But now I’m back (as Arnie would say) 5000 photos later but not much to show for it in relation to this website. Lots of happy snappys but dam hard to get anything special-too many tourists (including me) and its all been shot before.

Anyway the plan is to put anything I regard as special on the Home page. My usual photo rant and photostudy themes in the blog and I’m starting a new page in the special projects sectioned titled “Europe” with “child” pages under that heading to illustrate my journey. These images will be helpful to those who want  to”see” Europe and where we had been as opposed to looking to see how clever I had been or not.  So over the following weeks and months new material will be coming out. Keep Cliking in.

