13 September 2015
1. 9 August 2015 Nikon D800 iso 200 70mm f11 1/250sec Nikon 24-70mm f2.8
2. 8 August 2015 Nikon D800 iso200 40mm f6.3 1/30sec Nikon 24-70mm f2.8
3. 8 August 2015 Nikon D800 iso200 32mm f4.8 1/180sec Nikon 24-70mm f2.8
13 September 2015
1. 9 August 2015 Nikon D800 iso 200 70mm f11 1/250sec Nikon 24-70mm f2.8
2. 8 August 2015 Nikon D800 iso200 40mm f6.3 1/30sec Nikon 24-70mm f2.8
3. 8 August 2015 Nikon D800 iso200 32mm f4.8 1/180sec Nikon 24-70mm f2.8
2 replies on “Lake Coleridge”
So beautiful, and each quite different! The first image looks more like a painting; the second is a spectacular black & white; and the 3rd is such a familiar scene – the colours and reflections as we really see them on our beautiful blue sky winter days. Thanks so much for sharing these special images of our area. Looking at your photos is a lovely reminder of the snowy scene we were living in a couple of months ago. Everything is very lush and green now. A bonus for us is that your photos have also helped us finally identify a popular photo location – we hadn’t ourselves really noticed the 3 distinctive trees in the pond before, but did recognise them from other people’s photos. Finally we’ve worked out where this shot is taken! Hope to see you down our way again some time. Toni 🙂
Thanks Toni for spending time giving me your thoughts.
I agree that the third scene is a familiar (ordinary?)image but I love it and it gives context to the other tree studies as in the blog.