Guest Page

Bill Anderson

2nd September 2023

Personally, I suck at bird photography. I have the gear but not the skill or perseverance. When I do try, the bird has frequently flown away, been out of focus, cut in half or poorly exposed. So I was impressed when Bill showed me his results using the new mirrorless camera he got and with the standard kit lens. I mean Kit lenses have a reputation for not being as sharp as the “Pro” lenses. This shot was taken at full aperture and sharply focussed as well. Well done Bill.

24 November 2022

The KaKa

Great Barrier Island, Nikon Z6 mk2, 70mm , iso 400 , f4 , 1/8000sec , Nikon S 24-70mmf4


Guest Page


21 August 2023

Manny Delhaize describes himself as a “Canberra nerd amateur try hard Astro guy”

Here are some of his toys.

And here are some images he sent me.

All I can say is “WOW”

Celestron 11 inch      Horsehead Nebula.
Meade 8 inch      Lagoon Nebula
Celestron 14inch      Sombrero Galaxy


Guest Page

Brent Higham

21 April 2019

Brent showed me this picture last year and it made me very envious. I wish I had been there.

However I thought the original shot could do with a bit of post processing -I couldn’t resist the urge to fiddle with it. I did it and sent him a copy for his approval before posting it on the web. I never heard from him…..

Having lunch with Brent the other day I subtlely asked in my usual form  “didn’t you like what I did to your shot Brent?”  Apparently he missed my E mail. Anyway here is the shot with the Bing interpretation and with the Masters permission!

Brent Higham


