27 October 2014
The Capital Performing Arts Orchestra (known as CPA) and the Confucius Institute (Victoria University) performed a combined concert on September 9th 2014 at “The Pines” Houghton Bay Wellington.
It was a great night out and I enjoyed listening to a variety of very talented musicians.
A well known person busking on the streets of Wellington is Mr Huang playing the Erhu.
Here is a link to a National Radio docomentary about him:
Here is a link to photos of the concert which I discovered when I googled CPA to discover what the abbreviations meant ! http://www.wellingtoncpa.org.nz/cpa_photos_concert_september_2014.htm
My Daughters music teachers invited us to the concert as they were performing with their traditional chinese instruments.
I brought my traditional japanese instrument with me, Mrs Nikon.
1. Yid-Ee Goh Violin Nikon D3s iso 6400 200mm f4.0 1/60sec Nikon 70-200 f4.0
2. Zuo Ruoyan (Athena) Guzheng Nikon D3s iso 6400 86mm f4.0 1/125sec Nikon 70-200mm f4.0
3. Huang Xin Gang Erhu Nikon D3s iso6400 200mm f4.0 1/90sec Nikon 70-200mm f4.0
4. Kong Jingyuan (CiCi) Pipa Nikon D3s iso 6400 200mm f4.0 1/90sec Nikon 70-200mm f4.0
5. My Daughter Hannah is learning the Guzheng from “Athena” who is on her right.
Abby, Hanna’s twin sister is learning the Pipa from “Ci Ci ” who is on her left.