Home 2020

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

18 April 2020

For information please visit the Blog 

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

1.    9 Nov 2019    Nikon D3s    iso 6400    40mm    f4    1/125sec    Nikon 24-70mm f2.8

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

2.    Nikon D750    iso 3200    14mm    f4    1/125sec    Nikon 14-24mm f2.8

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

3.    Nikon D750    iso 3200    15mm    f4.0    1/125sec

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

4.    Nikon D750    iso6400    300mm    f5.6    1/160sec    Nikon300mmf4 PF

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

5.    Nikon D750    iso 6400    110mm    f4.0    1/125sec    Nikon70-200mmf4

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

6.    Nikon D3s    iso 6400    24mm    f4.0    1.125sec    Nikon 24-70mmf2.8

Taunggyi Balloon Festival

7.    Nikon D750    iso3200    200mm    f4    1/125sec    Nikon 70-200mmf4.0

6 replies on “Taunggyi Balloon Festival”

Hi Christiane, thanks for viewing. Yes the balloon goes anywhere. One crashed into the amusement park, the pirate ship, one into the crowd (see Blog) and one into the power lines. I tell the Burmese they are crazy. And they just laugh!

Striking images Chris. Particularly the second pic from the POV of firing up the balloon – magic and dynamic. Good to see you uploading images again.

great colours and dramatic images Chris I think you got away with out having permanent damage done to yourself and these guys are realy playing with fire hope they prayers come true.

Thanks Brent it didn’t feel dangerous at the time. A bit like attending a bomb fire. But if an accident did occur and the fireworks exploded in front of me it would be a bit like being on White Island.

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