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Richard Mayston

Richard Mayston

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5D² | Samyang 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC Aspherical | 30 sec | ƒ/8 | ISO 100

A thunder storm brewing over the Cook Strait hit Wellington about 8.15pm.

Spectacular lightning could be seen off Wellington’s south coast as it approached.

About 8.30pm, hail stones the size of marbles started hammering the city.

MetService forecaster Stephen Glassey said the thunder storm formed about 5pm when a southerly and northerly wind converged, creating lift.

I got the Samyang 14mm as a replacement Ultra Wide Angle when I upgraded from a Canon 40d to a Full Frame 5DmkII, an my EFS 10-22mm was rendered unusable.

The Samyang 14mm is a rectilinear lens, and has met my expectations for sharpness. The moustache distortion is significant but lens profiles in LightRoom manage the situation.

The 14mm on a FF enabled 114 degrees of coverage of the sky. With continuous 30sec exposures several lightning strikes where captured with relative ease.

The Dominion Post published a large print on page 4
Eastbourne resident Richard Mayston said it was some of the most dramatic lightning he had seen in 20 years and the thunder was so intense it shook his house.

More photos at:

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