
Yuanyang Rice terraces

24 May 2015

Yuanyang Rice terraces

15 January  2015    Nikon D3s    iso200    200mm    f5.6    1/30sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4

The rice terraces are in Yunnan Province, China.  Apparently the terraces were built by the Hani People 2500 years ago. Now they are recognised by Unesco as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage site.

Please go to the Blog for more…….

One reply on “Yuanyang Rice terraces”

That little patch of reddish hue was obviously the focus of attention of many a visitor who was taking sunrise shots of this paddy field that morning. The weathers were no good that morning but the shot has done enough justice for the interesting perspective arising from the patterns on the paddy field.

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